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[as available]


  • ​Disposable diapers

  • Training pants (e.g., PullUps®)

  • Baby wipes (one pack per child)

  • Cloth diapers (availability varies)

  • Menstrual pads

  • Tampons

  • Menstrual cups 


  • Formula 



Due to the demand in our services, we have had to change our process for filling orders. Our distribution methods have been organized to make things more efficient for our clients. This benefits the overall community and allows us to maintain a sustainable program for our clients.


  • Supplies can be picked up from the Basic Necessities Shreveport office on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 12pm-4pm. We only take orders in person.

  • Identification and any supporting documentation must be provided when picking up any orders, no exceptions

    • Effective January 1, 2025, clients must provide identification and documentation of the children under their care - birth certificates/budget sheet/Medicaid or SNAP printout​

    • Proof of government assistance for parent or child. 

  • Clients may only receive assistance from Basic Necessities every 90 days. You are not guaranteed a specific amount of supplies or items requested. Requests are filled on a need basis. 

  • Children can only receive diapers until 5 years of age. If supplies are still necessary, medical documentation is required.

  • Basic Necessities will no longer be shipping supplies or doing WalMart pick up orders


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Member since 2020

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Member since 2020

Phone: 318.751.0851

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The Highland Center

520 Olive Street

Shreveport, LA   71104

Pick Up Hours 12-4 Tu & Th

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